Our Character Determines Our Love Of Anger

Our Character Determines Our Love Of Anger
Our Character Determines Our Love Of Anger

Everyone loves to eat certain things more than others. Interestingly, what we prefer to eat may even determine our character, say US scientists.

An American study claims that preferences for spicy foods are largely determined by people's character. The results of a study show that prominent personalities and adventurous people like much hotter food than others.

The survey was conducted as follows - 184 people were selected, all participants were non-smokers. The age of the participants was between 18 and 45 years, and 63% were all women.


Nadia Burns' team from the University of Pennsylvania tested the volunteers to determine their identity, how much they prefer to experience new experiences, and how much they prefer security.

In this test, which was applied by the scientists, it is assessed to what extent the participant is attracted by the intense and unknown stimuli, without taking into account the dangers.


Those study participants who had higher test scores were identified by experts as adventurers, as people who like to take risks. Those with lower results, respectively, are considered significantly more indecisive, more closed and cautious.

The experiment was as follows - capsaicin was added to the diet of all participants in the study - this is the active substance contained in hot peppers. The idea of the study was for everyone to assess whether they like the dishes and how much, depending on how spicy they are.

Those who are defined as people who do not like adventures and adventures at all, gave low results on spicy foods.

Adventurers, on the other hand, were very fond of adventure - in some of them the amount of hotness increased to intolerable amounts.

Researchers believe that people with a more adventurous spirit are more likely to eat spicy, as opposed to those who adhere to a predictable and calm lifestyle.
