You Love Tuna - So You Will Be Stupid

You Love Tuna - So You Will Be Stupid
You Love Tuna - So You Will Be Stupid

Tuna - this favorite delicacy of many, may not be as useful as we thought so far. Experts have warned that excessive consumption of tuna can lead to irreversible consequences, one of which is stupidity.

According to scientists, the presence of mercury in this fish is huge. When it accumulates in the human body and organism, mercury leads to mental retardation.

This is due to the fact that mercury is a neurotoxin, the intake of which in large doses can also lead to damage to the brain and nervous system.

Studies show that the damage that a dangerous element can cause is not only serious but also irreversible. To avoid such complications, experts advise to eat tuna no more than once a week.

In addition to large amounts of mercury, another harmful element in its content is high-quality protein. It is useful in small amounts, but in large it damages the kidneys.

Tuna Sandwich
Tuna Sandwich

That is why people with impaired kidney function are not recommended to consume a whole portion of the delicacy fish. It is not yet recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children.

On the other hand, there are the advantages of tuna. It is preferred because it has a wonderful taste and does not burden the body with excess calories.

It is basically the recommended diet food. Compared to other products, it is high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Therefore, it is among the main recommended foods for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Tuna products and foods strengthen the body's immunity and strengthen the body's defenses, mainly due to the antibodies produced in it.

As with anything else, so with tuna. To enjoy its taste and benefits and to avoid the harm it can bring you, then consume it in moderation.

Once a week is enough to get all the vitamins and minerals in its composition and not enough for the harmful elements to accumulate in your body.
