Recipes With Ginger Melt Fat

Recipes With Ginger Melt Fat
Recipes With Ginger Melt Fat

Ginger is well known as a spice in cooking, and is also often used in folk medicine for various ailments. It turns out that it can also help us lose weight.

After the holidays, most people start different unloading diets - ginger tea can be successfully combined with any diet. Before you start making decoctions or other recipes with it, you should consider the following:

- When making tea or decoction, do not overdo the concentration of ginger;

- In addition to all the useful properties, the herb has an invigorating effect, so it is not recommended to consume before bedtime;


- Keep in mind that ginger has a slightly spicy taste, so it is best to add a little honey to the decoctions;

- You can make black or green tea and add a piece of ginger to them. Recommended, especially if you are on a diet;

- It is desirable when making ginger tea to strain it before consumption, as the herb is quite fragrant and its taste can become intrusive and even unpleasant.

To lose weight with the help of ginger, we offer you three recipes for tea. For the first you will need 50 g of ginger, a liter of boiling water and a clove of garlic. Put the root and garlic in a suitable container and fill with water - let them simmer for about twenty minutes. Strain and drink the drink a little throughout the day.

ginger tea
ginger tea

Our other offer is again with ginger root, 1 liter of mineral water, honey. Cut the root into thin slices and pour water over it, then put the pot on the stove and wait for it to boil. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

After cooling completely, the mixture is filtered and a tablespoon of honey is added to it. If you like lemon, add a piece of it for a more pleasant taste. This amount is for one day.

In case you do not like the idea of drinking tea all day, you can grate ginger root and 1 tsp. of the grated herb to put to boil in 200 ml of water. Leave the decoction for half an hour, strain, add a little honey and drink three times a day in equal amounts.
