How To Lose 3 Pounds Without Starvation In Just A Week

How To Lose 3 Pounds Without Starvation In Just A Week
How To Lose 3 Pounds Without Starvation In Just A Week

An unpleasant consequence after the many good memories that accompany the holidays, it is usually that in the first working days of the new year there is a high probability that some of our favorite clothes will no longer fit us. Experts say that during the Christmas holidays we gain between 3 and 5 extra pounds.

In order to be in shape again, urgent measures are needed to get rid of them.

There are many ways to lose weight. Unfortunately, most of them require us to be hungry and dissatisfied. Hunger, as most nutritionists advise, is not the answer.

If we want to lose at least 3 pounds without starvation and only for a week, we must follow three simple rules - forget about sweets, move more and drink plenty of water.

The most important of the above rules is to immediately remove all sugars from your menu. These are foods that stimulate the secretion of insulin, which is the main hormone responsible for storing fat in the body.

It is not uncommon to lose up to 2 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week after we have turned our backs on everything sweet. With each movement we lose calories. If we manage to burn them, our body begins to get what it needs from the fat in our body. Long runs and heavy physical activity are not required for this purpose.


For example, you can forget about the elevator. You don't even have to go anywhere with your car. Even a 10-minute walk can help us burn calories. Now there are post-Christmas sales in all malls. Here is a perfect way to combine the useful with the pleasant - a nice walk and bargain shopping.

Sometimes a glass of water can eliminate the feeling of hunger. The human body needs at least 2 liters of water a day. When we need hydration, our body sends signals to our brain, which we read as hunger.

So, if you are hungry between main meals, just drink a large glass of lukewarm water. This will provide the body with the necessary hydration and will limit the impulses for unhealthy eating and intake of extra calories between meals.

Following these three simple rules, we can easily get rid of the weight gained during the holidays and be left with only good memories of meeting friends and relatives around the New Year's table.
