Tea Diet Loses Weight

Tea Diet Loses Weight
Tea Diet Loses Weight

In the spring, you can look perfect if you start losing weight with a tea diet right now. In winter, the body creates a layer of fat to protect the body from cooling.

This layer cannot be destroyed, but if you have increased it with the help of pasta and jam and have not played sports during the winter months, it is high time to start thawing with tea.

Tea helps the stomach to process food faster, speeds up intestinal motility, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, cleanses blood vessels, improves memory, vision, skin tone and helps burn calories.

Morning tea is very useful and active, it makes the stomach work and makes a complex cleansing. Tea literally displaces everything unnecessary from the body, dissolves plaques in blood vessels and problem areas.

Tea diet loses weight
Tea diet loses weight

After a strong tea, the appetite is awakened. Do not let yourself be defeated by him, after half an hour it will pass and there will be a feeling of lightness and freshness.

Afternoon tea helps the food to be better digested, does not leave it lingering in the stomach. Do not drink tea during meals and after. Wait half an hour and only then drink a cup of tea.

Evening tea also helps digest food, breaks down fat and prepares the body for sleep. Do not drink tea later than eight in the evening to sleep peacefully all night and wake up fresh.

In the evening, tea is insidious because it can arouse an extremely strong appetite - this is a sign of its effective work. Do not give in and do not cram in jam before bed. Eat a handful of dried fruits.

The main part of the work of tea is the night time. If you drink tea and do not eat sweets in the second half of the day, the body will react quickly and will reward you with a sense of lightness and over time - with a slim figure.

Tea contains about 700 compounds, vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements, antioxidants, carbohydrates. They cleanse and tone the body.

The most important elements of tea are polyphenols and amino acids. This is what we lack the most in the urban environment. Theaflavins, theabrovins and thearubigins clean and heal blood vessels.

The amino acid theanine, which enhances the aroma and taste of tea, is a neurotransmitter in the human body - it helps to transmit nerve impulses between brain cells.

The influx of this amino acid is felt by people as a feeling of joy and peace. Theine is like caffeine, but unlike it is not dangerous for the heart and does not raise blood pressure.

Theine gently tones, dilates blood vessels, increases muscle tone without raising blood pressure. Pectin improves the work of the stomach and is considered a key factor in weight loss.

Tea is rich in many vitamins and minerals - zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, fluorine. To settle down, you will need to consume high quality tea.

Packets are not effective. If you want to lose weight, you will need good varieties of green, red and black tea from China, Taiwan, Japan and Vietnam.

When making tea that is light in color - green, white, yellow or light red, the water temperature should not exceed eighty degrees. The infusion lasts five seconds.

Varieties with coarse large leaves, which are dense, dark in color, are brewed at a temperature of ninety-five degrees for about ten seconds.

Black tea and pressed green tea are brewed at a temperature of ninety-eight degrees. Before infusion, black tea is soaked in cold water, washed, filtered, washed once more and only then brewed in hot water.

For the tea diet to be effective, always drink tea after meals and never on an empty stomach. Infuse it properly, do not save tea leaves and choose only high quality tea. Finish your day with tea and fight your appetite.

Never sweeten tea if you really want to lose weight! No sugar, no honey, no jam, no cake or cookie to sweeten the bitter tea. If you can not stand the bitter taste, eat dried fruit with tea.
