Planting And Growing Cypress

Planting And Growing Cypress
Planting And Growing Cypress

Cypresses are conifers of the cypress family. They are evergreen shrubs or trees. They reach a height of 5 to 40 meters. Their life expectancy is very long. There are many types of cypress trees today.

Cypresses have been known since ancient times, and today there are different varieties of cypress. Most cypresses are grown as ornamental trees. Most ornamental cypresses reach a height of about 25-30 cm.

Planting cypresses

When choosing a place to plant cypress, you should keep in mind that they do not like the sun very much. When planting cypresses you need to choose the most suitable place for them.

In summer, they should be in the shade and not in the current. It is best to plant the cypress in the fall. The rains this season will help him adjust faster.

When planting, it is necessary to dig a large hole that is twice the size of its roots. Put the roots in the dug hole, bury a little, water and bury again. This is done 2-3 times.

Growing cypress

Cypresses are not capricious and are easy to grow. It is important to know that they cannot grow at low temperatures. During the winter months, if the temperature drops around - 20 degrees there is a risk of frost.

In summer, they should be in partial shade or colorful shade, especially during the hottest months. Cypresses need bright, diffused light. It is important to find the right place for them. If the cypress is exposed to the sun, its leaves turn yellow and then fall off.

Planted cypress needs abundant watering from early spring to autumn, and in winter watering is less frequent. They do not tolerate excessive watering, but do not like too dry soil.

You need to water them and shape them every spring. You should also feed them mineral salts every month from May to September. They are periodically watered in spring and summer. Cypresses are transplanted every two years. It is good to do this in the spring.

Some varieties of cypress are suitable for growing in pots. You can watch these cypresses at home. You must provide free space around it and not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Planting and growing cypress
Planting and growing cypress

In winter, home cypress should not be in a room that is heated. Cypresses are resistant to winter temperatures. These varieties of cypress also need regular watering. During the winter season they do not tolerate very low temperatures.

Possible problems with growing cypress

Red mite - it entangles cypress leaves in a fine white cobweb. The red mite sucks sap from the underside of the leaves. On the infested plant, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and then fall off. In dry air, it spreads faster.

What to do if the cypress is attacked by the red mite? If you see this fine white cobweb on the leaves of the cypress, immediately separate this plant from the others. Then wash the leaves under running water. Take some cotton and dip it in vodka or alcohol. Use it to wipe the cypress leaves.

Another way to deal with the red mite is to pour plenty of cypress and wrap it in a transparent bag. Tie the bag on top and leave the cypress in a bright and warm place. In two to three weeks this way you have to deal with this problem. This increases the humidity and the mites die.

Another problem that can occur when growing cypress is the yellowed leaves. Insufficient fertilization, dry air or too little watering can cause yellowing of the leaves.

The tips of cypress leaves can turn brown. This is due to drafts, little watering, dry air or a little fertilizer.
