The Hand Of The Buddha

The Hand Of The Buddha
The Hand Of The Buddha

The hand of the Buddha is an exotic citrus fruit that has a strange shape. It is also known as Citrus fingers and has a pleasant lemon aroma.

For more than a thousand years, the Chinese and Japanese have valued this strange fruit, which looks like a cross between a giant lemon and squid.

The fruit bears this strange name because of its unique shape, which resembles a human hand with very well defined fingers. The hand of the Buddha is one of the most bizarre fruits.

The origin of The hand of the Buddha can be traced all the way to Ancient India and China. The strange shape of the fruit is due to a genetic mutation that appeared centuries ago.

It grows as a shrub or a small tree covered with thorns. The hand of the Buddha has large, oblong and pale green leaves. The inside of the fruit is very small because it is under a very thick rind. It is possible that the meat is missing.

The tree is very sensitive to high temperature extremes - it does not like high heat, very low temperatures and heavy rains. It grows best in temperate climates.

The tree is small and evergreen, reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. Fruits in winter.

Composition of the Hand of the Buddha

The fruit is rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium. 6 g of this fruit contains 1 g of carbohydrates, 0 g of protein and 0 g of fat.

Use of the Buddha's Hand

The flowers of the fruit are fragrant and beautiful. They are white on the outside and purple on the inside. In Asia, the fruits are used to flavor clothes and rooms because they have a very strong and pleasant citrus smell. The fragrance of the Buddha's Hand is also used in perfumery.

Some customs dictate that the fruits of the tree be carried as gifts in the temples of the Buddha. According to beliefs, the Buddha prefers fruits not with outstretched but with closed fingers, because they symbolize the shape of the hands during prayer.

In China The hand of the Buddha is considered a talisman for luck and a long, happy life. It is also considered a symbol that can lead to prosperity, longevity and fertility.

In Japan The hand of the Buddha is a popular New Year's gift because it is believed to bring happiness. The leaves of the tree repel moths.

Cooking on the Hand of the Buddha

Unlike other citrus fruits, The hand of the Buddha it is neither sour nor bitter. If, after removing the fingers, the fruit is cut lengthwise, the little remaining core can be used to flavor fish, salads and other dishes.

The inner white zipper is not bitter and can be used freely. The bark of The hand of the Buddha used as a flavoring for cakes, and can also be sugary. The rind is excellent for flavoring rice.

The taste of the peel combines very well with aromas such as basil and lavender. Gives a refined taste to creme brulee. In general, the peel of the fruit can completely replace the peel of a lemon.

Benefits of the Hand of the Buddha

Undoubtedly The hand of the Buddha is one of the most attractive citrus fruits because of the shape it has. On the other hand, it does not have special nutritional and health qualities, so it is best to bet on the well-known citrus.

You do not need to go to China or India to taste it, it is enough to eat one lemon. The only known actions are tonic and stimulating.
