The New Year's Diet Quickly Loses Weight After The Holidays

The New Year's Diet Quickly Loses Weight After The Holidays
The New Year's Diet Quickly Loses Weight After The Holidays

Along with the gifts, the holidays often end with a few extra pounds. To quickly get rid of the consequences of festive overeating, the New Year's diet is highly recommended.

Getting in shape is a priority for many people, and statistics show that January is the most lucrative month for nutritionists and fitness instructors, as millions are looking for ways to lose weight during the holidays.

Many of them are interested in regimes with which they can quickly settle down and get back into their clothes without any problems. That is why experts recommend the New Year's diet. Not everyone can follow it, but it gives reliable results.

The only rule for her is to eat whatever you want one day and fast the next. Professionals say that fasting does not mean not eating.

When fasting, the allowed calorie intake for women is 500, and for gentlemen - 600. The amount of food is negligible and therefore only people with a strong will can endure until the end of the day. But if you choose the right products, you will feel full longer.

The New Year's diet quickly loses weight after the holidays
The New Year's diet quickly loses weight after the holidays

The balance in this type of diet is achieved by reducing calorie intake on the day of fasting. The minimal meal compensates for the abundant eating from the previous day.

According to nutritionist Ian Marber, the diet is healthy for the body and recommends it to its customers. It also gives fast and lasting results.

The diet should be followed for a maximum of 40 days, and the weight lost after it will be between 7 and 10.

In recent years, the New Year's diet is the preferred mode for losing weight after the holidays, but most nutritionists recommend losing weight gradually so as not to harm your health.
