Do You Suffer From Bad Breath? Focus On These Foods

Do You Suffer From Bad Breath? Focus On These Foods
Do You Suffer From Bad Breath? Focus On These Foods

There are two main causes of bad breath: poor hygiene and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In both cases there is a bad breath caused by bacteria.

If we go to the dentist, he will give us valuable advice. Make sure you eat well, follow a balanced diet that includes the necessary amount of protein, carbohydrates, acids, vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables. After each meal, brush your teeth, and it is good to use floss. It is best used to clean the teeth between them.

Here's another way to freshen your breath. Some foods can get rid of the unpleasant odor or prevent it from occurring.

1. Parsley - this plant best neutralizes bad breath, including the smell of cigarette smoke. If you don't have parsley, mint or coriander, wormwood, rosemary or cardamom will do the trick. For best effect, these herbs should be chewed for a longer time or brewed like tea. The listed plants not only remove the unpleasant odor - they also have a good effect on digestion;


2. Yogurt - Recent studies show that its daily use lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. This substance is the main cause of bad breath. Consume yogurt regularly because it stops the development of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which cause disease not only of the teeth but also of the gums. When choosing yogurt, make sure that it does not contain sugar, but contains only natural ingredients;

3. Fruits and vegetables rich in cellulose - these are apples, carrots, celery. They help to excrete saliva, which moistens the mouth and removes the remaining food on the teeth;

4. Chewing gum - it can not save you from bad breath in the mouth, but it can mask it and cover it. Still, let it be sugar-free gum;

5. Foods rich in vitamin C - raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, citrus fruits and watermelons contain large doses of vitamin C. This vitamin is important for the gums. It should be taken from natural products, as individual supplements can cause nutritional imbalances.
