Do You Suffer From Migraines? Be Sure To Avoid These Foods

Do You Suffer From Migraines? Be Sure To Avoid These Foods
Do You Suffer From Migraines? Be Sure To Avoid These Foods

Migraine is one of the most common problems of modern people. This unpleasant headache is observed in both sexes, but seems to be more common in women.

The prevailing opinion is that nothing can be done about migraines, but this is not the case and the problem can certainly be solved. In addition to medical care, you can make a few simple lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of headaches.

It is really important to avoid stress, reduce your exposure to artificial light, get enough sleep. It is also important to think about your diet. According to research, there is products that cause migraines, and exactly they should be avoided.

We do not guarantee that they are the cause of your problem, but you can still exclude them from your menu and see how this affects you.

Here it is which foods to avoid for migraines according to experts:


Acid concentrations and doses of tyramine found in pickles have been found to be associated with severe headaches and nausea, which sometimes occur during migraine attacks.

Dried fruit

Dried fruits are harmful for migraines
Dried fruits are harmful for migraines

They are a source of sulfates. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the link between sulfates and migraines.

Matured cheese

It contains tyramine, and it is also thought to cause migraines. So try to reduce the use of aged cheese such as Roquefort and Brie, or completely exclude cheese from your menu.

Milk and milk products

Not only aged cheeses, but also dairy products in general are considered causes of migraine attacks in many people. Try to refuse this type of animal food and watch what changes occur in your body.

Foods with monosodium swallow

It is a substance that is found in Chinese cuisine and many foods in the retail chain. Used to improve aroma and taste. But scientists say it can cause headaches.

Processed meats

Fast food burgers, salami, sausages, smoked sausages - many processed meats contain chemicals that cause headaches and nausea in many people. So if you overdo it with them, that may be the reason.
