Do You Suffer From Gout? Be Careful With These Foods

Do You Suffer From Gout? Be Careful With These Foods
Do You Suffer From Gout? Be Careful With These Foods

Gout requires starting a certain diet and restricting a number of foods. There is often some confusion regarding legumes and their consumption in this disease.

Beans, chickpeas and lentils are rich in purines. Foods high in protein usually have purines, which does not mean that legumes should be avoided. Experts even recommend that gout sufferers emphasize them.

Gout is caused by a high content of uric acid in the body. On the other hand, beans, chickpeas and lentils are rich in phytochemicals, which are recognized as one of the best antioxidants that help cleanse the body of harmful substances that have accumulated in it.

The data show that the content of purines in legumes does not worsen the symptoms of gout at all. What should worry you about this disease is the animal protein, not the vegetable protein that is taken up by the body.

The intake of purines contained in beans and lentils even leads to a reduction of saturated fats in the body, which in turn are one of the main culprits for the appearance of gout.


A health study conducted among 50,000 Indians in Bombay, where lentils are an almost daily food, found that gout is an almost unknown disease, especially among the poorer sections of society. Cases of the disease have been reported among wealthy Indians, in whom the consumption of lentils was not regular.

It is no coincidence that in the past gout was known as the royal disease, because it mainly affected members of the aristocracy. The meat was almost unknown to the poor and they ate mainly legumes.

The most important thing gout sufferers need to know is that whatever treatment they take without a strict diet makes no sense. The use of alcohol, tea, coffee, spices and confectionery should be reduced to a minimum.

Fatty fried meats, broths and offal are contraindicated. The diet should contain rosehip tea, a decoction of wheat bran with lemon juice. It is good to take more vitamins, especially B1 and C. It is recommended that people with gout eat 4-5 times a day, to drink more fluids.
