What Not To Eat With Kidney Disease

What Not To Eat With Kidney Disease
What Not To Eat With Kidney Disease

In diseased kidneys, the protein content of the diet should be limited.

In the process of assimilation of proteins, toxins are formed, which are excreted by the kidneys.

Sick kidneys
Sick kidneys

Eating a low protein diet has a good effect on the condition of people suffering from kidney disease.

But we must not forget that protein is the main building material for the cells of the body, so you need to limit protein, not to give up protein.


It can be eaten on light, fat-free meats, as well as fish and eggs.

In sick kidneys, fasting is not recommended, as the body begins to expend its own proteins for energy. This puts a strain on the kidneys.


Plant proteins, which overload the body with waste products from protein metabolism, should be limited in particular. These are pasta and legumes and cereals.

In kidney disease, salt and salty foods should be limited.

Since store-bought bread contains salt, it is recommended to bake homemade bread with a little salt or to buy special bread that has a reduced salt content.

Salty products such as cheese, pickled vegetables, pickles, salami, salted fish, smoked meats are not consumed. Cocoa consumption is not allowed.

Drinking certain types of mineral water should be limited due to the content of certain salts. You should consult a specialist on this issue.

You can consume no more than 2-3 grams of salt per day. A few drops of lemon juice are added to the dishes to replace the taste sensations of the salt.

In kidney disease, products high in phosphorus and potassium should be reduced. These are dried fruits, bananas, cottage cheese, trifles.

The use of spicy spices, meat and chicken broths, mushrooms, chocolate and products containing cocoa, legumes, radishes, onions and garlic should be limited.

Consumption of cream is limited. Carbonated drinks as well as canned foods should be completely abandoned.
