Eat Healthy In Kidney Failure

Video: Eat Healthy In Kidney Failure

Video: Eat Healthy In Kidney Failure
Video: What to eat with chronic kidney disease 2024, October
Eat Healthy In Kidney Failure
Eat Healthy In Kidney Failure

Renal failure is a serious disease. To deal with it, each patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the treating physicians. Physicians often prescribe a concomitant diet, along with medication, to help speed recovery and prevent the disease.

Unlike diets aimed at losing excess weight, diets for therapeutic purposes must be strictly and unconditionally followed. This is especially true for people with kidney problems.

It is extremely important for such patients to reduce and even completely eliminate salt from their diet. This is due to the fact that it retains water in the kidneys, which leads to extremely unpleasant consequences. Aware of how unpleasant a tasteless dish can be, experts recommend that patients flavor their food with lemon juice and vinegar.

The patient's body should not be burdened. The daily amount of calories should not exceed 3000. They should be divided into 450 grams of carbohydrates, no more than 50 grams of protein, which are also dangerous for the kidneys in large quantities, 80 grams of fat. Meals should be at least four a day. Drinks should not be overdone.

In the list of permitted foods for people with kidney failure includes bread and pasta: bran bread without salt, white and black bread, biscuits without salt. Also meat, fruit, vegetarian, vegetable soups, cereal soups and pasta, as long as they are prepared without salt.

Kidney failure
Kidney failure

The main dishes during the day can be lean poultry, boiled fish, boiled or stewed meatballs, cereals, vegetables, pasta, eggs, but not more than two a day.

Dessert can be a decoction of wheat bran with honey and lemon, rosehip decoction, prune syrup, dried apricots or raisins, baked apples, jellies, sour and fresh fruit juices, watermelon, melon, honey.

Allowed dairy products are desalinated cottage cheese, sour cream, low-fat milk. Allowed fats include butter, oil and melted butter without salt.
