Lie To The Body To Lose Weight

Lie To The Body To Lose Weight
Lie To The Body To Lose Weight

When you are on a drastic diet, your body gets used to being under constant harassment and slows down your metabolism. Then the body tries to expend a minimum of energy and de facto with the diet you will not lose weight quickly, on the contrary, you can gain weight.

Therefore, it is good to deceive your body by indulging in dietary cheating, advise English nutritionists. The word literally means cheating.

This type of diet is expressed in alternating days on which you eat with days of deprivation of certain foods.

When you lie to your body that you are no longer on a diet, the metabolic processes that are about to go into an economical slow mode are activated. As a result, you can again prepare for a severe hunger and lose a few rings.

Of course, the scheme of the regime is important. Start the first day of the diet by eating your favorite food at will. On the second day, however, it is good to focus on low-calorie products without carbohydrates.

Five days later you are on a very good diet. And so until the 7th day, when it is good to pamper yourself again with whatever your soul wants. And so you stretch with the body for 12 weeks to get rid of the extra ten pounds.

If you want to lose more weight, you will need to apply the scheme for a few more weeks. The good news is that rings lost in this way do not stick to the butt again, as is the case with drastic diets.
