Did You Drink Uranium Water? You Have To Eat These Foods

Did You Drink Uranium Water? You Have To Eat These Foods
Did You Drink Uranium Water? You Have To Eat These Foods

Uranium is a radioactive metal. Organisms need all the micro and macro elements, including uranium. But everything has its measures - from one element the body needs a large amount, and from another element - a smaller amount. If there is an accumulation of heavy metals in the body, it can lead to a number of complications and diseases:

- crab;

- DNA damage to cells;

-weakening of the immune system, etc.

There are several ways in which uranium can enter our body:

- by ingestion - this is done by those contaminated with uranium through food and water;

- in case of injuries with fragments of ammunition or contamination of open wounds;

- when inhaling fine particles obtained from the explosion or burning of ammunition, armor, etc.;

When uranium accumulates in the body, the following complications and diseases can appear on the face:

- respiratory tract - lung fibrosis, cancer;

- blood and bone marrow - slower clotting, monocytes decrease;

- immune system - fibrosis of the lymph nodes, reduction of the protective capabilities of the immune system;

- central nervous system - decreased neuro-cognitive functions;

- changes in the endocrine system (endocrine glands) - disorders of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;

- muscles - weakness;

- liver - enlargement, necrosis;

- reproduction - cancer, fetal defects;

- kidneys - degeneration, damage, necrosis.

It has been proven by the World Health Organization that prolonged intake of uranium water with a content of more than 20 times above the norm first affects the kidneys.

Apples and pectin
Apples and pectin

Toxicologist Prof. Nikola Alexandrov is of the opinion that: People from Haskovo should stop taking water. At the moment, their health is not in danger, but if they continue to drink uranium water, they may be injured. It is good to eat more apples because they have a detoxifying effect.

It has been found that pectin, found in the peels of various fruits and vegetables, removes heavy metals and other contaminants from the bloodstream by excreting urine.

Other sources of pectin are green apples, cabbage, bananas, beets, grapes, carrots and citrus fruits.


Coriander crosses the blood-brain barrier and removes heavy metals from the brain. Daily intake of 400 mg of coriander can cleanse the body in just two weeks.

Parsley removes mercury from the body. Broccoli and cabbage contain antioxidants that detoxify the body. It also has the effect of onions, garlic, cauliflower, eggs and fish.


Chlorella (algae in the form of a dietary supplement) - helps detoxify metals. It is used to simulate the immune system, in malignant diseases, to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.
