If You Follow These Rules, You Will Not Have Annoyances With The Hernia

If You Follow These Rules, You Will Not Have Annoyances With The Hernia
If You Follow These Rules, You Will Not Have Annoyances With The Hernia

Even if we are normal, with an acceptable weight, we may feel fat and want to lose weight. There. where we are more rounded, we often cover ourselves with our clothes and these weights become less visible, but when we undress, the truth is revealed.

One of the most important reasons for rounded shapes is most often nutrition. When we have more than 3 kg, the diet is light. In the morning you can do without breakfast, at lunch we eat something non-committal, without chewing much, so that the stomachs are full.

In the afternoon between 16-18 o'clock he gets hungry. Then follows a hearty dinner in front of the TV and sleep. Sometimes we don't even feel like eating, we cram, we always bite something, and then our body takes revenge with the accumulated kilograms.

It is important to stop randomly gnawing on anything. First, you need to fix your meal times and provide the body with the nutrients it needs at the moment. We can eat a little sugar every day, but it should be taken at the right time.

Breakfast is the main meal of the day. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, you can have breakfast around 10 o'clock. This is the perfect time for breakfast, because at that time we are under the influence of cortisol - a hormone that requires sugar. Breakfast is good to contain complex sugars, such as wholemeal bread, thinly spread with butter, and why not jam.


Proteins are not neglected either. The best for this purpose are cheese, natural yogurt or just a boiled egg. When breakfast is weak, he gets hungry quickly and we inadvertently look for something to satisfy our hunger.

For lunch it is a mistake to include a salad or a portion of raw fruits or vegetables, 12:30 is the time when we need to provide the body with proteins and sugars. [The sandwich is also for lunch, but must contain chicken. If you can afford dessert, there is nothing wrong - this is the time to enjoy it without feeling guilty. It can be a piece of cake, pastry, milk dessert, chocolate mousse and more. delicacies.

Afternoon - time for snacks, chocolate with milk, milk with rice, coffee and dried fruits or yogurt with jam. This breakfast should be in small quantities without overdoing it.

Never consume sugar after 5.30 pm. The body will not forgive you and here are your new pounds.

Dinner - the body prepares for sleep and accumulates supplies. We need protein, but bet on snacks. Fish is a great option and provides us with enough protein. All seafood is a great dinner and provides us with omega-3 fats.


If you love fruit or lettuce, do not deprive yourself of them. Season them with a little olive oil so they will be better absorbed at night. Vegetables can also be cooked as a stew or soup.

Another important rule not to gain weight is movement. Walk, play sports, dance, do any movement. If we follow these rules, we will not be angry with the weight!
