Asians Eat Giant Radishes

Asians Eat Giant Radishes
Asians Eat Giant Radishes

Most species cabbage, radishes and mustard are grown and found in China and Japan, and only some of them grow in the gardens of America.

Most of the names of these vegetables come from antiquity and have been modernized over the years, being grown and cultivated by many peoples. China is the country where most of these names come from vegetablessince many years ago they were found there in their original species. Central Asia ranks second in the center of these species vegetables since they were already discovered in China in prehistoric times.

Evidence from ancient Egyptian sources reveals that radishes have been one of their staple foods since the time when the pyramids were not built. Radishes were of great value to the ancient Greeks, even small copies of them were made of gold, and an ancient Greek physician wrote a book about the plant.

In Japan and China, radishes are made by dipping in brine, similar to the recipe we use for pickles. The radishes are dipped in the marinade whole, rice pods are added to it and all this is put in large barrels at the end. Radishes acquire an extremely attractive yellow color, but not so attractive and pleasant smell.

Marinated radishes are one of the most important components of every Japanese person's diet. They are salty and very fragrant, although their aroma is extremely unpleasant for those who do not know vegetables in this form. Marinated radishes give a slightly sweet taste to the otherwise ordinary portion of rice.

In different countries radishes are used for different things. In China, one of the species radishes, which does not have a large root, is grown for oil production. In India, another type of radish called the mouse tail is grown for its large and edible fruit, which is eight to twelve inches long. In Egypt and the Middle East, the same species is grown only for its leaves, which are used for greenery.

However, not everywhere this vegetable is grown only for its green part. In general, radishes are very tasty and useful and not only them, but also turnips and most vegetables from the cabbage family. There are different types of radishes. In the East they are grown so much and very different. Some species are the size of a cherry and others are the size of a basketball, the length of the various species ranging from one finger to two feet and five or six otherwise in diameter.


The largest species are grown only in eastern countries, and their cultivation begins in special soils and then transplanted into gardens. They harvest mainly in late autumn or early winter. Eastern spring radishes they are not so huge. Elliptical radishes are also grown there.

Radishes with white, red or white and red color are known in America. Several gardens also grow amazing species called Round Black Radish and Long Black Radish, which are medium in size and have black skin and a snow-white core.
