Radishes - Delicious And Very Useful

Radishes - Delicious And Very Useful
Radishes - Delicious And Very Useful

In addition to their unique taste during the spring season, radishes delight us with their many benefits. In yourself radishes contain vitamins from group B, as well as certain amounts of vitamin C, which makes them a natural remedy for colds, viruses and flu.

Intake of radishes brings to the body vital substances such as potassium, zinc, phosphorus and folic acid. The presence of water in their composition helps to hydrate the skin. Consumption of radishes has a beneficial effect on the stomach and liver.

Popular property of radishes is the purification of the blood and recharging with fresh oxygen. These vegetables are also recommended for jaundice, urinary tract problems or constipation.

In 100 g of radishes are contained only 16 calories and 15 mg. vitamin C, which makes them a suitable product for diets and maintaining a healthy weight. They are a good source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.

In addition, they contain essential oil, which enhances the secretion of the digestive glands and improves the activity of the digestive system.

Benefits of radishes
Benefits of radishes

It is a little known fact that in addition to raw, radishes can be added as an ingredient to various dishes. They can be boiled, marinated, steamed or stewed. When cooked, radishes lose their spicy taste and become softer. They make a great garnish for roasted meat or steamed fish. They go perfectly with minced meat and roast beef rolls.

In most cases we are used to consuming the meat part with a round or pear shape. However, all parts of the radish are edible.

They are a lot the benefits of eating radishes. They have been proven to fight stress and have antioxidant properties. This makes them a wonderful tool for the prevention of cancer and inflammation. They help slow the growth of tumor cells in colon cancer.

When buying radishes, choose firm, fresh and without many scars. Store in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. They are valid for about two weeks.

Why eat radishes
Why eat radishes

Remember that radishes are among the most important products in spring salads. Be sure to prepare an Easter salad with them, as well as lettuce. All radish salads are useful and delicious!
