Foods With Phospholipids For A Healthy Liver And Good Memory

Foods With Phospholipids For A Healthy Liver And Good Memory
Foods With Phospholipids For A Healthy Liver And Good Memory

For the first time phospholipids were separated in December 1939. Their source is soybeans. The main activity of phospholipids in the body is associated with the restoration of damaged cell structures, as a result of which complete destruction of cells is prevented.

The currently widely advertised preparations show their therapeutic effect precisely due to the presence of free phospholipids in their composition. Incidentally, lecithin also belongs to this group of lipids.

Foods with maximum phospholipid content

Foods with phospholipids for a healthy liver and good memory
Foods with phospholipids for a healthy liver and good memory

Olive oil, vegetable oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, egg yolk, fish oil, sour cream, beef, lard, chicken, soy, trout, hemp seed, flaxseed.

The body's daily need for phospholipids in a balanced diet is from 5 to 10 grams. In this case, it is desirable to consume phospholipids in combination with carbohydrates, in this combination they are better absorbed.

The need for phospholipids increases:

- when memory is impaired;

- Alzheimer's disease;

- in diseases associated with disruption of cell membranes;

- in case of toxic liver damage;

- in hepatitis A, B and C;

The need for phospholipids is reduced:

- with high blood pressure;

- in atherosclerotic changes of the vessels;

- in diseases associated with hyperchloremia;

- in diseases of the pancreas;


Phospholipids are best absorbed together with complex carbohydrates (cereals, bran, cereals, vegetables, etc.). In addition, the method of cooking has an important influence on the full absorption of phospholipids. Food should not be subjected to prolonged heating - otherwise the phospholipids in it are destroyed and can not have a positive effect on the body.

As we mentioned, beneficial properties of phospholipids are responsible for ensuring the integrity of cell walls. In addition, they stimulate the normal transmission of nerve fiber signals to the brain and vice versa. They can also protect liver cells from the harmful effects of chemicals.

To the hepatoprotective action, one of phospholipids - phosphatidylcholine, helps to improve the blood supply to muscle tissue, fills muscles with energy and improves muscle tone and performance.

Phospholipids are especially important in the diet of the elderly. This is due to the fact that they have a lipotropic and anti-atherosclerotic effect.

Interaction with other elements

Vitamins from groups A, B, D, E, K, F are absorbed by the body only when they are harmoniously combined with fats. Excess carbohydrates in the body complicate the process of breaking down unsaturated fats.
