This Healing Mixture Restores Your Good Eyesight And Cleanses The Liver

This Healing Mixture Restores Your Good Eyesight And Cleanses The Liver
This Healing Mixture Restores Your Good Eyesight And Cleanses The Liver

This recipe for medicinal mixture of carrots, honey and lemons is very quick and easy to prepare and is terribly useful for the whole body and the immune system.

With this miraculous mixture, remarkable results have been achieved in terms of improving vision, clearing the liver and preventing cancer.

The recipe is very simple, but very effective at vision problems.

The useful mixture not only improves vision, but also helps the body cleanse the liver and protects against cancer by strengthening the immune system steadily.

For this one healing prescription 1/2 kg of carrots, 1/2 kg of lemons and honey are used.

Peel the carrots and plan them. We washed the lemons well and cut them into small pieces / finely /, using their peel as well.

Mix the two ingredients, put in a suitable glass jar and pour honey on top so as to cover the fruit-vegetable mixture.

Close the jar and store in the refrigerator.

The mixture will be ready for consumption in 10 days.

Take one teaspoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The effect is felt quickly.

A useful mixture of carrots, lemons and honey improves vision, as well as suitable for people suffering from macular degeneration, cataracts and others.
