Our Body Tells Us When And What To Eat

Our Body Tells Us When And What To Eat
Our Body Tells Us When And What To Eat

The body is the best indicator of when and what to eat. From this we can judge the possible problems in the internal systems.

Sudden whims of certain foods, for example, result from a lack of certain substances and sometimes indicate the onset of a serious illness.

Chocolate - This favorite food is mostly eaten by women who are in premenstrual syndrome or menopause. When the body sends such signals, it is good to give it two or three pieces of chocolate.


However, excessive consumption and thirst for chocolate, which occurs before the menstrual cycle or at menopause, indicates hormonal disorders and requires appropriate adjustments.

Greasy food
Greasy food

Chocolate is often used as an antidepressant. Excessive sweets can indicate the presence of suppressed problems, and the unconscious desire to be an attempt to deal with it. You need to pay serious attention to yourself and your feelings.

Salty - Often the desire for salty foods is associated with pregnancy, but not necessarily so. Such a desire speaks more to the strong stress you are under. Salt contains natural minerals and salts that the body needs for nervous experiences and fatigue.


The strong need for salt can also be an indicator of the presence of a certain source of infection in the body. To quench and quench this thirst, focus on unsalted nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables, goat's milk, fish and sea salt.

Bitter and spicy - The desire for bitter food often arises from intoxication. People with a violation of the excretory and evacuation function of the stomach have a preference for spicy foods.

Greasy food - Most likely your body needs pepper or garlic to stimulate digestion, calcium deficiency or fat-soluble vitamins.

Carbohydrates - If you are indescribably hungry for pasta, potatoes and pastries, then the body signals that carbohydrates are urgently needed. You need to regulate the energy hormone.

In this case, it is good to avoid sweets, as the required dose is taken through fruit, wholemeal flour and brown rice. Chromium deficiency is compensated by broccoli, potatoes, turkey and oranges.

Coffee - The thirst for coffee shows the desire for encouragement and fresh tone. Little is known, but much more effective remedies against drowsiness are iron, protein and folic acid. So you better eat a boiled egg. Red meat and fish work identically.

If you are eating something unusual, such as chalk and clay, this indicates a serious problem. It is best to get tested, mainly for common anemia. It is easily removed with the right diet.
