They Created A Beer To Spread Like Butter

They Created A Beer To Spread Like Butter
They Created A Beer To Spread Like Butter

Thanks to two Italians, beer lovers will be able to enjoy it by consuming it not only in liquid form, but also by spreading it on a slice. The inventors claim that the new beer, in addition to all the well-known and mandatory products for a beer, also contains gelatin - this ingredient is about 40 percent of the total substance.

In fact, the idea of converting beer from liquid to solid is not new. Many whims have tried to make such a change, but this is the first time the transformation has been truly successful.

One of the creators of hard beer believes that he and his friend have finally managed to find the right formula and the idea will appeal to consumers. The Italian shared this information with Italy magazine.

Another study claims that men who love beer are more prolific than other men. One mug a day doubles a man's chances of becoming a father, according to a new study cited by the Daily Mail. The results also show that beer is far from enough - to create a generation, men need to reduce caffeinated beverages.

A nice cold beer is always accompanied by the association - hot sun, beach and, of course, a comfortable deck chair. Thanks to a Finnish designer, a new generation deck chair can help you "find" the sun's rays much easier than before. One of the most important extras of Remmus is a button that helps you call a waiter. He, in turn, will appear with a cold beer on the tray.

The inventor claims that the deck chair also has built-in columns, is water resistant and has a bluetooth connection. The new type of sun lounger has built-in cooling sprinklers in case you want to cool down at some point.

According to some opinions, the deck chair has only one drawback - it does not know how to personally rub sunscreen into the skin of its owner. Anyone who wants to have this new deck chair for their next summer vacation will have to pay a modest sum of 45 thousand dollars.
