The Perfect Viennese Strudel

The Perfect Viennese Strudel
The Perfect Viennese Strudel

Viennese apple strudel is a favorite of thousands of people around the world. The strudel it looks like a pie with apples because it is made of thin crusts and rolled up.

The date of June 17 is a very good time to talk a little about the sweet features of this pasta temptation, because it is celebrated Apple strudel day.

The apple strudel there is such a success, because it is the apples that go best with any type of dough. For centuries, Austrians have chosen a bride based on her ability to make delicious apple strudel.

The best a strudel is made not with ready-made crusts, but with homemade ones / see the gallery /, which are stretched to such an extent that the dough is as thin as cigarette paper. If you put a piece of paper with something written underneath, you should be able to count through the rolled strudel crust.

Some of the secrets of Viennese bakers have long been revealed and thanks to this many people can enjoy the taste of a real strudel, prepared in their own home.

Viennese bakers never grease apple strudel before baking with oil and with olive oil. They do not just fill the strudel with apple pieces, but add sugar, cinnamon, a little rum and chopped walnuts.

The apple pieces themselves are pre-melted in cream and only then the filling is spread on the dough. It is best to serve apple strudelwhen it has just been removed from the oven.

For a contrasting feel, the hot strudel is served with cream ice cream. The strudel dough must be made very precisely to get a real culinary masterpiece.

Sifted flour, egg and oil or butter are needed to prepare the dough. According to the traditional Viennese recipe, lard is used instead of oil.

Knead the dough with a little warm water to which three drops of vinegar have been added. The dough should be kneaded for a long time until it starts to peel off the hands. It is then divided into several parts and left for two hours in the refrigerator.

The pieces of dough are glued two by two, dripping a little olive oil between them. They are rolled by pulling with their hands in all directions at the same time until they become completely transparent.

Before adding the filling, the crust is smeared with olive oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and apples mixed with sugar, rum, cinnamon and walnuts are spread on top.

For the real Viennese strudel it is good to pre-fry the apple pieces in butter. But raw apples are also suitable for stuffing.

After rolling the strudel, roll it again with olive oil. And in order not to get too dry while baking, grease it two or three times. At an oven temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees, the strudel is baked for about an hour.
