Facts About Olives

Facts About Olives
Facts About Olives

The cultivation of olives is one of the first achievements of human civilization. According to archeological data, olives were grown three thousand years before the new era.

For centuries, olives have been grown in Crete and Syria. Olives have long been one of the main sources of income in the Minoan kingdom.

The Phoenician sailors then spread them all along the Mediterranean coast. Olive oil - olive oil has long been sacred.

In Christianity, olive oil is often used in the sacrament of anointing. In many cultures, olive oil was applied to the bodies of the dead before burial.

The settlers in the New World took with them grapes and olives to use not only as food but also in their rituals. Today, California is one of the main suppliers of olives outside the Mediterranean.

The average lifespan of an olive tree is five hundred years, but some trees can reach the age of one thousand five hundred years.

Olive salad
Olive salad

It is estimated that the age of the trees on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, also known as the Mount of Olives, exceeds two thousand years. The difference between green and black olives is only in the degree of their maturity.

Ripe olives are black in color. Over ninety percent of the world's olives are used to make olive oil. Almost ninety-eight percent of the land used for growing olives is located in the Mediterranean.

There are about five hundred million olive trees in Europe. Olives are harvested from November, six to eight months after flowering. If used for olive oil, they are sent to the pressing machines on the day of collection.

Freshly picked olives are not edible - then they are too bitter. To become edible, they must be marinated in marinade with sea salt.
