How To Make Homemade Dried Eggplant

How To Make Homemade Dried Eggplant
How To Make Homemade Dried Eggplant

Eggplant is one of the most commonly used vegetables. It is used alone and in addition to a number of soups, dishes and sauces. Dried aubergines are a particularly characteristic addition and are becoming increasingly popular in our country. Although they look very exotic, they are not complicated to prepare and it is great to have a few jars on the shelf in the closet. The good thing is that they can be flavored with spices just the way you prefer them.

To make homemade dried eggplant, it is important to choose the right ones. The most suitable are small and fleshy aubergines, which ripen in late summer and are low in water. After processing, they remain thick and fleshy and should not be cut into small pieces - it is enough to cut them in half.

Eggplants are traditionally dried outdoors in sunlight. The process takes weeks. However, if you are in the city, it is best to dry the aubergines in the oven or in a dehydrator.

The selected amount of ripe aubergines is cut into pieces lengthwise, into quarters or slices. After drying about 1 kg of eggplant yields 1 kg of dry product.

Get a large pan and cover it with baking paper. Arrange the aubergines on top with the cut ones. There should be a small distance between them. Top with plenty of olive oil dressing, green spices (basil, oregano, rosemary), salt, a few pinches of sugar and pepper. The dressing is mandatory, because without it the aubergines will remain dry and with a neutral taste. However, if you prefer them, you can dry your aubergines directly on the oven racks.

Place the pan in a preheated oven at 60-70 degrees, with a fan. Thus, they will dry for a very long time - about 10 hours. If your oven does not have a fan, then during the drying process the door must be slightly open to allow warm air to escape. They are ready when their edges are turned inwards and in the middle they are almost completely dry.

eggplant in a jar
eggplant in a jar

It is important to be careful that the aubergines do not dry out and break. They need to retain some of their moisture and elasticity. It is possible that some of the pieces are ready before the others. If this happens, take them out and leave the rest in the oven until ready. When everyone is ready, leave to cool completely in the pan.

Ready-made dried aubergines should be stored in the marinade, as otherwise they would mold. Arrange in small jars, pouring a mixture of fresh sprigs of basil or rosemary, chopped garlic, marjoram, oregano, salt and a little sugar between the layers. Spices can vary according to your taste. Natural olives and prunes are also suitable.

The aubergines are pressed so that they are tightly arranged in the jar. There should be no excess air between them. Fill the jars to the top with hot olive oil. Store in a dark and cool place. They have a shelf life of two months in the refrigerator. They must be sterilized for a longer period.
