Don't Put These Products In The Fridge - It Doesn't Make Sense

Don't Put These Products In The Fridge - It Doesn't Make Sense
Don't Put These Products In The Fridge - It Doesn't Make Sense

Some foods need a low temperature so they can be stored longer. But there are also those that should not be refrigerated for storage, as they lose their useful values. Here they are:

1. Canned foods such as meat, lyutenitsa, marmalade, roasted peppers, etc. - in addition to taking up a lot of space, they do not need to be refrigerated, as they are sterilized and permanently canned;


2. Hard vegetables such as carrots, onions, potatoes - stored in the refrigerator, they lose their nutritional value. They soften and loosen faster. Onions, for example, are dried;


3. Honey - it is recommended to store in a dark and dry place. He does not like either very high or very low temperatures. Otherwise it may either harden or become sugary;


4. Chocolate and candies - when stored in the refrigerator, moisture is formed, as a result of which crystal sugar is formed on the surface. This leads to a loss of their true taste;

Watermelon and melon
Watermelon and melon

5. Watermelons and pumpkins - their long-term storage in the refrigerator leads to their softening and bad taste. They can be cooled only if consumed immediately;

Olive oil
Olive oil

6. Oil and olive oil - in the refrigerator change their consistency. Low temperatures change their tastes and qualities;

7. Fruits - do not like low temperatures, as they emit harmful substances when stored in the refrigerator. Store in a dry place out of direct sunlight.
