Grounded Food - What Is It And Why Is It Important To Eat It?

Grounded Food - What Is It And Why Is It Important To Eat It?
Grounded Food - What Is It And Why Is It Important To Eat It?

The phrase "grounded food" sounds weird. What are you talking about? This is actually the food that connects us to the energy of the planet and makes us healthier and more resistant to stress and disease.

According to alternative medicine, eating such products maintains our energy balance, gives us strength, good immunity, a healthy body, a calm mind and a stable psyche. In Indian Ayurveda medicine, it is recommended to eat mainly with such type of grounded food, especially in periods of exhaustion, illness, prolonged exposure to chronic stress. You're probably wondering - which are the grounded food products. Here they are:

In general - these are all unprocessed foods, mainly of plant origin, which are grown in a natural organic environment. The more natural they are, the more grounded they are.

This means that raw food is especially recommended and that heat-treated plant foods or those mixed with other ingredients should be avoided. Especially if they contain artificial additives, enhancers and preservatives.

It is normal plant food should be considered the most groundedas it has been in the longest and longest contact with the earth. She has been drawing on her energy all along and still carries the charge of the planet.

Particularly strong are the roots and root crops - potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, celery, ginger, turmeric, goulash, turnips, onions, garlic and the like, which have grown under the soil. They charge and heal our roots - ie. make our connection with nature and the planet stronger and more sustainable.

types of grounded foods
types of grounded foods

The most powerful grounding energy have freshly picked products. Therefore, if you want to achieve effectively charging with grounded food, try to consume root vegetables, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, spices as soon as possible after picking them.

In addition to root crops, the following highly grounded foods are seeds, nuts, legumes, mushrooms, cereals. You may be surprised, but meat is also considered a ground food. However, meat is not recommended in all cases.

This is because along with the energy from the earth and nature, it also comes with a negative charge generated when killing the animal. It is also a more serious source of toxins, so the use of meat should be limited. Meat from organically raised, hormone-free and free-range animals is recommended.
