Azuki - The King Of Legumes

Azuki - The King Of Legumes
Azuki - The King Of Legumes

Azuki is one of the unknown legumes in our country. Although available in certain places, especially among gourmet cuisine, few have tasted these red and small beans coming from the East. The distinguishing feature of this variety is the specific white line on one side.

Azuki beans are preferred for two reasons. In the first place is easy and fast picking. In a pressure cooker it is ready in five minutes, and even one from a several-year harvest needs a maximum of ten. On the other hand, the small berries and their soft taste make it suitable for both savory and sweet dishes.

Azuki beans are often called the king of legumes. This is determined by the taste and nutritional qualities, as well as the unique red color, which is an indicator of power.

As in Bulgaria the Smilyan bean is traditional, so in Japan the azuki bean is considered to be the main variety. There it is the main raw material for making cakes. Most often, the paste is crushed and added to desserts, cakes and ice cream. It is also available in the form of flour.

In European countries, azuki beans are traditionally prepared in soup, stew and in various salty fillings. There are also restaurants that offer bold sweet variations in classic continental desserts, such as creams and fillings.


Azuki is a preferred ingredient in almost all types of cold salads. It can also be found in recipes for frappes, candies, pancakes, cakes, meat sauces and what not. Its most interesting application is in shave. This is ice cream made by lightly scraping an ice block.

Azuki beans have one major advantage over other bean varieties. It is the most easily digestible variety. Therefore, an alternative to more gas-forming beans is available. In addition, it does not contain gluten, which many people are intolerant to.

And its calories - they almost do not exist. Fat content is minimal, offset by a rich amount of protein. In a small bowl of it there are only 100 calories and 1 g of fat. It does not contain cholesterol or sodium.

The ingredients of the azuki bean are necessary for every living being. It contains magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, vitamins B1, B3, niacin, folic acid and more.

In addition to food, it is also used in traditional Chinese medicine. It improves reproductive functions, kidney function and the excretory system.
