Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm

The balm (Melissa officinalis) is well known to us from herbal teas for mass consumption. This perennial herbaceous plant with dark green leaves, which have a characteristic lemon scent, has a number of health benefits that we are well aware of. In Bulgaria, balm is also known as queen bee, lemongrass, apiary.

Lemon balm originates from the mountainous regions of southern Europe. Since ancient times, balm has been used by the Greeks and Arabs in all diseases caused by disorders of the nervous system. The colors of the balm are small, white, yellowish or pink. Lemongrass grows in bushes, sparse forests, along gardens and fences throughout Bulgaria. Usually the whole above-ground part or only the leaves of the balm are used, depending on the purpose.

The leaves of balm are harvested in the period before flowering (mid-July). If the balm is in bloom, the leaves do not collect, as they have already lost their characteristic odor and healing properties.

The herb is dried in a shady and ventilated place or in an oven at a temperature of up to 35 degrees. The dried leaves are green at the top and lighter green at the bottom, with a slightly bitter, tart taste. When crushed or rubbed, they must have retained the characteristic lemon odor. Store in a shady, ventilated and dry place.

Lemon balm
Lemon balm

Composition of the balm

The balm contains essential oil (0, 05 - 0, 33%), tannins, bitter and mucous substances, caffeic acid, enzymes, ursolic acid, oleic acid and others.

The pleasant aroma of the flowering balm, which attracts insects, is due to the terpenes - citronellal, citronellol, citral and geraniol. The sedative effect of balm is due to citral. In addition, the drug contains triterpene ursolic and oleanolic acid, 5% tannins and sugar stachiosis.

Selection and storage of balm

The balm it can be purchased from a number of stores, but you can also pick it up yourself. The drying of the balm takes about a week. Store dry leaves of lemon balm in paper bags or cardboard boxes, avoid plastic bags. Place them in a dry and cool room.

Culinary use of balm

Lemon balm in a flowerpot
Lemon balm in a flowerpot

Lemon balm leaves have been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for their pleasant refreshing scent, reminiscent of lemon peel. Today, balm is used in the preparation of boletuses and liqueurs. It is not good to mix balm with strong spices such as mint, nutmeg, ginger. Dried balm emphasizes the taste of the fish quite well.

Benefits of balm

Lemon balm has a calming effect on the nervous system, has antispastic and anticonvulsant action. Stimulates appetite and digestive processes, suppresses nausea and vomiting. In folk medicine, balm leaves are used in the treatment of high blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, to enhance vision and even tinnitus. It is used for gurgling and gargling in inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa. Lemon balm also removes bad breath.

The oil from balm also finds great application in the treatment of all types of bacterial, fungal and eczema infections due to its antiseptic properties. Massages with it relieve arthritis and rheumatic pain.

The herb has a calming and antispastic effect (against spasms). Lemon balm improves sleep, removes the feeling of excitement and tension, removes irritability, anxiety, worry, fear. This herb has an overall beneficial effect on the nervous system - positively affects Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, hysteria, insomnia, melancholy, migraine, nervous tension, sharpens memory, stress, cardiac neurosis,

Method of preparation: Pour a teaspoon of chopped balm leaves with 100 ml of boiling water. After 30-60 minutes strain the infusion and drink. In the evening the effect is especially good. In more persistent conditions, drink 3-4 tea cups of the prepared infusion.

Lemongrass tea
Lemongrass tea

C balm you can also cure herpes. To do this, mash half a handful of lemon balm leaves with 2 tbsp. Vaseline. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and leave the ointment in a dark and warm place for 2 days. Apply the lipstick on the herpes and it will disappear in a day or two. Lemon balm has a beneficial effect on heart disease - it helps to overcome fatigue, helps to stop tachycardia and pain in the heart.

When taking preparations with balm, breathing slows down, rhythm disturbances disappear and blood pressure drops.

Lemon balm has a pronounced antispasmodic and carminative effect in functional bowel diseases. It can soothe colic from gas retention in the intestines, but also stop the urge to vomit.

The balm stimulates digestion and secretion of bile, in larger quantities stimulates the appetite. Lemon balm-based preparations are also used for dizziness, to enhance vision, painful menstruation, skin rashes, rheumatic edema. In the form of paws balm is used very successfully for the treatment of boils.

Alcoholic extract of lemon balm

Put fresh lemon balm leaves in a glass jar and pour 50% medical alcohol. Put the jar in a dark and cool place for at least 1 month or more. Then strain and store in the same way. If you can not take the extract of lemon balm so, dissolve 1 tsp. of it in 100 ml of water. Take 3-4 times daily before meals.

Harm from the balm

The balm is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If you are taking sedatives or thyroid-regulating drugs, it is a good idea to consult a doctor before using balm. You need a doctor's opinion and permission if

You have acute inflammation of the stomach and intestines, acute cough, liver disease or epilepsy.
