Strawberry Season! Why It Is Important To Eat Them Regularly

Strawberry Season! Why It Is Important To Eat Them Regularly
Strawberry Season! Why It Is Important To Eat Them Regularly

Strawberries appear in late May and early June and are temptingly sweet and seductive. These fragrant and juicy fruits guarantee a healthy and beneficial effect on our body.

Juicy and red strawberries support the fight against many diseases. They also have a refreshing effect on the skin and hair. Complement the shortcomings of macro-and micronutrients in the body. By consuming them you guarantee good health and good appearance.

Strawberries are a source of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, folic acid.

And because the sum of the valuable components of vitamins and minerals is low in calories / 100 g of strawberries contain only 40 calories /, they are a common ingredient in diets for weight loss.

Valuable properties of strawberries:

• improving metabolism;

• supporting the work of the heart;

• cleansing the intestines of food waste;

• strengthening our body;


• positive effect on the natural bacterial flora;

• protect against anemia;

• lower cholesterol and blood pressure;

• protect against cancer;

• indicate a positive effect on the skin and hair;

• relieve inflammation of the gums;

• improve muscle function;

• regulate bile secretion;

• detoxify and cleanse our body;

• regulate the access of oxygen in the blood;

• give a feeling of satiety;

• reduction of acidity in the urine;

• support sleep;

• accelerate fat burning;

• have antidiuretic action;

• support the digestion of sweet and heavy foods (served with low-fat yogurt).

Strawberries are mostly recommended for:

• people with digestive problems;

• people with urinary tract infections;

• people with liver disease;

• people with kidney disease;

• people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism;

• overweight people;

• people suffering from gout;

• people suffering from constipation;

• people who suffer from insomnia;

• diabetics because they contain easily digestible sugars (glucose and fructose) in small amounts;

• people on a diet due to high iron content.


Strawberries sharpen sensitivity. Not everyone can eat strawberries, because these fruits often cause allergies (especially with excessive consumption). Food allergy manifests itself in various species, which are the result of overproduction of histamine in the body.

Children are usually at risk, but it can also occur in adults. In children, urticaria usually occurs on the abdomen, back, knees and elbows (in folds). Allergies can be accompanied by painful diarrhea. That is why young children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with a predisposition to allergies should introduce them into the diet gradually.

People who are allergic and people with a certain hypersensitivity to salicylates should stop their diet with strawberries for several years.

What can you cook with strawberries?

Strawberry jam
Strawberry jam

Strawberries are suitable for direct consumption. It is best if consumed on an empty stomach. You can prepare cocktails, desserts (with cream or yogurt), sorbets, fruit salads and ravioli. They are the perfect addition to cottage cheese, cereals, pancakes and omelets. They are a great decorative element to cakes, pies, ice cream, jellies and appetizers. They make wonderful jams, marmalades, jellies, compotes and juices, as well as wines and liqueurs.

Strawberries can be frozen. This is the best way to store these fruits, as compared to fresh, the loss of vitamins is minimal.

However, during canning during heating, some of the useful components are destroyed.

Strawberry leaves can be dried for tea, which is very useful for colds. Strawberry leaves are used in the treatment of wounds and skin ulcers.

Remember that strawberries spoil quickly. Strawberries are perishable fruits, unfortunately, because they mold and ferment quickly (they are not suitable for consumption because they contain toxic substances). Therefore, they must be used or recycled fairly quickly. It is best consumed the same day or the day after picking or buying.

When buying them, you should pay attention especially to the appearance.
