How To Prevent A Stroke

How To Prevent A Stroke
How To Prevent A Stroke

One of the causes of high mortality is vascular disease and one of the most dangerous of them is stroke. Unfortunately, it is increasingly affecting young people.

Stroke has nothing to do with fate or bad luck, even when a person has a hereditary predisposition to it. This severe disease is associated with lifestyle, and it can change.

Stroke is characterized by a sharp disruption of the blood supply to the brain in certain areas. Strokes are divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic events occur due to a blood clot or blockage of a blood vessel, as well as its contraction.

Certain areas of the brain are deprived of oxygen, this happens suddenly and the cells die quickly. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to rupture of a blood vessel - blood flows from the damaged vessel and the work of the brain is disrupted.

The reason for the rupture of a blood vessel is usually high blood pressure. Above all, to prevent a stroke, you need to change your diet.

Stroke can be prevented by many substances contained in ordinary foods. For example, magnesium reduces the risk of stroke by fifteen percent.

It is found in whole grains, nuts, green vegetables, prunes. Magnesium lowers high blood pressure. The main rule to follow to prevent stroke is not to overeat.

Healthy Cooking
Healthy Cooking

Your menu should include products rich in pectin such as nectar, fresh vegetables and fruits, homemade jam. These products, as well as wholemeal bread, help flush out toxins.

The hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are necessary for the good functioning of the brain and the speed of reactions - they are formed in the presence of phenylalanine. It is found in eggs, cottage cheese, cream, milk, fish, chicken and pet meat.

The brain also needs tryptophan, which, among other things, slows down aging. Bananas, grapes, dried apricots, dried figs, dates, nuts, cottage cheese, fish and turkey are rich in tryptophan.

Lysine is also important for brain function and clear thinking. It is found in poultry, oats, legumes, corn and natural chocolate.

Products that protect against sclerotic plaques and even destroy them are turnips, radishes, horseradish, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. They reduce the risk of stroke by a third.

Citrus fruits reduce this risk by twenty-five percent. In Mediterranean countries, people rarely suffer from vascular disease. This is due to the regular use of olive oil, which is responsible for the health of blood vessels.
