Growing Basil In A Pot

Growing Basil In A Pot
Growing Basil In A Pot

Basil is an aromatic herb used in many dishes. About 150 species of the plant are known. There are both annual and perennial representatives of the species. The basil, widespread in Bulgaria, lives for one year.

The herb is widespread in most world cuisines. In many places it is called a royal herb. In the past, handing a bouquet of a fragrant plant was considered a proposal for commitment and deep feelings. In Latin America, it is still believed that if you carry basil in your pocket, you will get money.

After a brief introduction, let's see how we can grow a useful herb at home. We need to know that the plant is pretentious in terms of light and heat.

It can germinate if grown at temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees. At lower it will not develop well, and at minus 5 degrees it dies.


Basil prefers moist, soft and fertile soil. It is advisable after you decide to grow the herb at home to buy soil from a specialized flower shop.

You can plant the plant in a pot or in a box. The court does not have to be large. A depth of 10-15 centimeters is enough. At the bottom put a handful of sand and small stones to serve as drainage. It is advisable to take seeds from the store.

After planting the seeds, keep the plant warm until they germinate. Remember to water it often.

Although the plant has certain whims, as long as you observe the temperature necessary for normal growth and water it, the rest is easy.

Once developed, the plant has many applications. A pot with this plant, placed on the ledge or on the terrace of the apartment, protects the home from the invasion of mosquitoes and other insolent insects during the summer heat.

In addition, fresh leaves in winter can freshen the air in the room. Only a few stalks in the pot are enough.
