Smoothie For Beautiful Skin In Summer

Smoothie For Beautiful Skin In Summer
Smoothie For Beautiful Skin In Summer

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, skin and nails, consume green smoothie. It is good to use at least one frozen fruit in each recipe.

Tropical turmeric is useful for cleansing. The mixture of pineapple and turmeric is perfect for you if you want to nourish and protect your skin from sun damage. Pineapple contains vitamin C, which in turn improves the overall structure of the skin.

In order not to redden your skin, help with the help of turmeric and the following recipe for smoothies with it:

Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer
Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer

2 cups kale, without stems

1/4 cup coriander

2 cups unsweetened coconut water

2 cups chopped pineapple

1 cup chopped mango

juice of 1/2 lemon

1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

Grind kale, coriander and coconut water until smooth. Add the pineapple, mango, lemon juice and turmeric and stir.

Another recipe for beautiful hair and skin is prepared with the help of orange and papaya.

Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer
Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer

2 cups spinach

2 cups unsweetened coconut water

1 orange, peeled

1 cup peeled and sliced papaya, without seeds

1 cup strawberries

Mix the spinach and coconut water until smooth. Add the orange, papaya and strawberries and mix again. This type of smoothie should be drunk immediately.

Another type of smoothie for beautification is made with the help of watermelon and peaches.

Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer
Smoothie for beautiful skin in summer

2 cups spinach

2 cups chopped watermelon

1 cup chopped peaches

1 cup strawberries

Mix the spinach and watermelon until smooth. Add the peaches and strawberries and mix well again.
