Bananas Will Protect Us From Immune Deficiency

Bananas Will Protect Us From Immune Deficiency
Bananas Will Protect Us From Immune Deficiency

It is known that banana contains many vitamins, raises mood and significantly improves brain function. But according to American scientists, yellow fruits have another ability.

The proteins contained in bananas can protect the human body from the immune deficiency virus. Intravaginal preparations based on these proteins prevent the penetration of insidious pathogens into the body's immune system.

This is an amazing alternative to prevent the plague of the century. However, the production of this new drug will cost much cheaper than previously known drugs.

It's a banana a real storehouse of energy. There is no other plant product that can charge our body with energy for such a long time - 60 minutes. Its calories are actually easily digestible carbohydrates - sucrose, fructose, glucose.

There are 735 species of bananas, but only two varieties are cultivated. The delicious fruits contain cellulose, starch, tannin, pectin, vitamins A, C, E, sulfur, silicon, chlorine, B vitamins, sucrose, glucose.

According to nutritionists, it is useful to eat two bananas at once. The very ripe one is eaten first, almost to the point of decay, and then the immature one. Too mature is assimilated instantly.

Benefits of bananas
Benefits of bananas

This will charge you with the energy you need. And the one that is not ripe will be digested more slowly, thus providing you with a longer time until the next meal. Bananas are recommended for arthritis and to normalize the nervous system.

Due to pectin, the work of the stomach is normalized. The fruits also help with cardiovascular disease. The substances contained in bananas contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy.

Bananas evoke a feeling of well-being and calm. A high content of phosphorus improves brain function, so students before the exam is good to eat a lot of bananas.
