The Love For Pork Saved Us From Turkification

The Love For Pork Saved Us From Turkification
The Love For Pork Saved Us From Turkification

One of the most typical products for Bulgarian cuisine is pork. Pork chops are eaten by young and old. But have you ever wondered how much the Bulgarian people owe to this otherwise unloved animal the pig?

It turns out that it was the pigs who saved us from converting to Islam. But before we get acquainted with the "feat" of the pig, let's remember why the pig was declared a despised animal.

As we know, pigs do not lead a very clean lifestyle. They wallow in mud, dirt and puddles all day. They sweat in the heat and tend to roll even in their own excrement.

Pigs are omnivorous and if they are very hungry, they can pounce on almost anything that gets in their way. That is why even in the time of the Sumerians and Babylonians the pig was considered a vile creature.

The habits and diet of pigs are so repulsive and unpleasant that these animals are literally hated in Egypt. According to Herodotus, pig farmers in Egypt are the lowest caste. They are even deprived of the right to appear in temples.

The pig is also not approved by Jehovah, who forbids it to his chosen people. Neither eating pork nor even contact with such an animal is allowed. Even the slightest contact with a pig is considered fatal. Everything that touches a pig becomes unclean and must be destroyed.


In the Qur'an, the pig is also forbidden because it feeds on carrion and is extremely unclean. On the other hand, Islam allows the consumption of camel meat. It can even be said that it was the camel that helped Islam become a world religion, conquer the Arabian Peninsula and enter Europe.

Islam reaches arid western lands inhabited by nomads. For them, as for Mohammed's Bedouins, pork is not recommended for consumption. That is why his prohibition from the Qur'an does not deprive them of anything.

Gradually, Islam spread more and more. Reaching Bulgaria, however, he failed to erase the pig from the area. For five centuries, Islam has not been able to overcome the flourishing pig breeding in our country.

Islam is surrounded by forested areas where pigs can live normally, but has established itself in hot and desert areas where pigs cannot survive because they need a cooler climate. It is the consumption and breeding of pigs that are the reason why the Christian religion is preserved in our country.

More than once, Muslims have tried to eradicate the pig. One of the main conditions for breeding pigs is the presence of dense and cool forests. That is why Muslims are subjecting forests in southern Europe to deforestation.

They use goats, which they release into the forests to destroy them and once and for all for the Bulgarians to give up the pig and Christianity. However, the love for pork chops remains in the foreground and even the measures taken by the Turks do not deny us pigs.
