Foods That Help Thin The Blood

Foods That Help Thin The Blood
Foods That Help Thin The Blood

Thick blood means that its viscosity is increased. Many factors affect the viscosity. These are vascular injuries, impaired liver function. The thinning of the blood, ie. reduction of blood clotting can be done by changing the diet. The most important factor in blood thinning therapy is nutrition. The body needs to get more fluids, less fat and less protein;

If you know you have an increased risk of thrombosis, you probably do drink anticoagulants or medicines to thin the blood. Given the wide range of heart disease, these are some of the most widely used pills in the world.

And if you imagine that a drug or food to thin the blood literally diluting it, this is not true - such funds simply reduce the ability of blood to form blood clots.

Below we have listed the foods that you must eat in this condition. With all your mind, approach all green leafy vegetables - broccoli, spinach, cabbage, peas and cucumbers, because their increased content of vitamin K somewhat interferes with the effectiveness of anticoagulants.

The following foods are your friends when you need to think about blood-thinning diet.

- Tomatoes prevent the formation of blood clots in the cardiovascular system. It turned out that tomatoes (like aspirin) help to thin the blood and besides (unlike aspirin) they have no side effects.

- Mushrooms dilute the blood, lower cholesterol levels.

- Blueberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn also help to thin the blood. Garlic has the ability to dilute the blood. Artichoke helps lower blood viscosity and cholesterol.

Olive oil also dilutes the blood well. If you are allergic to any food, use regular aspirin - a proven drug. You can start from 1/4 in the morning.

- Lemon is an amazing and affordable fruit that can be used both for food and cosmetics. All foods containing vitamin C (lemons, oranges, tomatoes, pickles, sweet peppers, rose hips) are your friends when we talk about blood-thinning diet. Grapefruit also dilutes the blood well.

- All fruits and vegetables with a red color by nature are useful for hematopoiesis, not dyed..

- To dilute the blood, it is useful to take 1 tablespoon of linseed oil a day. It lowers cholesterol and thins the blood. In this case, it will be useful to remember that it is important to reduce your intake of foods rich in vitamin K, as mentioned above.

- Drink plenty of cranberry juice, eat seeds, beets, cocoa, fish oil. Consumption of garlic can dissolve blood clots in half.

- Useful antioxidants (tomatoes, viburnum, blueberries, green tea) bind free radicals that increase blood viscosity.

- Foods high in essential fatty acids (Omega-3) dilute the blood. These are mainly fish (especially fish oil) and vegetables;

- The blood is well diluted with raspberries and in particular raspberry jam tea for blood thinning works great;

- The best method is apple cider vinegar. Apply 1 tbsp. per 200 ml of water once a day. Within 7 days the result will be available;

- In thrombophlebitis it is useful to eat ginger, melons, pineapples, watermelons, onions, cinnamon. Limit the use of soy, rose hips, beans, bananas;

- To dilute the blood, you should include in your diet more tomato juice and cranberry juice. The use of lemons and olives helps very well;

- Fish oil can help. It is not in vain that we all received it in childhood. It increases mental capacity, removes cholesterol from the body;

- Pomegranate and pomegranate juice are one of the most affordable but effective ways to thin the blood. Black elderberry, horse chestnut extract too.
