A Magical Mixture For Purifying The Blood And Strengthening The Blood Vessels

A Magical Mixture For Purifying The Blood And Strengthening The Blood Vessels
A Magical Mixture For Purifying The Blood And Strengthening The Blood Vessels

This unique and magical tincture is able to heal literally all vital systems of the human body.

In a clear glass bottle put 12 cloves of peeled garlic, cut into four parts. Pour three glasses of red wine, close the bottle and place it in the sun for two weeks, shaking the bottle at least 2-3 times a day.

After this period, pour the healing magic mixture in a dark bottle.

Accept from this magic elixir for health 1 tsp. 3 times a day for a period of one month.

The mixture of red wine with garlic is a great remedy for draining the body, purifying the blood, improving the immune system and strengthening blood vessels. The healing mixture extremely well strengthens the heart and tones the body. Removes excess fat and improves metabolism.

This unique infusion is able to heal literally all vital systems in the human body.

- removes salt deposits, toxins, slags and other harmful substances;

Strengthen blood vessels
Strengthen blood vessels

- cleanses and improves the work of blood vessels;

- improves metabolism;

- prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;

- increases appetite;

- eliminates pathogenic bacteria in the body;

- destroys harmful microflora and eliminates the inflammatory process, mainly in gynecology;

- normalizes high blood pressure;

- reduces weight.
