How Is Traditional Turkish Tea Made?

How Is Traditional Turkish Tea Made?
How Is Traditional Turkish Tea Made?

The traditional Turkish tea besides being pleasant to the taste, it is also very useful. In our southern neighbor it is served during all the main meals of the day - morning, noon, evening. Here's how to make a fragrant hot drink at home to get it in the same way as the characters from the numerous TV series.

For this purpose you need a kettle on two floors or more precisely two hot drink containers placed on top of each other. Turkish tea is a type of black tea. The so-called infusion is needed for its preparation. In other words - a strong and saturated concentrate is prepared, which is then diluted with warm water when served.

In the lower kettle you need to put the water you need for the drink. In the upper teapot are placed five tablespoons of Turkish tea, which you can find in almost every store. It is usually sold in large packages, but you also have a choice of small packages of 200 grams.

Put 100 milliliters of water in the upper kettle. Once you have made the preparation, turn on the stove over medium heat and leave it until the water boils.

While you wait for this to happen, prepare the cups in which you will serve the tea itself. Put a metal spoon in each of them. This spoon serves as a conductor of heat, if the tea is hot, it will avoid cracking of the glass cups from the formed temperature difference between the cups and the hot tea.

Turkish breakfast
Turkish breakfast

Pour the brewed tea first into the cups, then the hot water. Depending on how strong you want the tea to be, pour a different amount of infusion. To make a weak tea, which the Turks call achak tea, fill the infusion with a finger or just a quarter of a cup and then pour warm water.

For medium-strength tea, called orta tea, fill the cup halfway with the infusion and the rest with hot water. Strong tea is called demli or strongly brewed. To prepare it, fill three-quarters of the cup with infusion and add a little water. We recommend that sweetened tea be sweetened with sugar or honey.
