Green Greens Against Stress And Depression

Green Greens Against Stress And Depression
Green Greens Against Stress And Depression

Depression and stress, which we often underestimate, need to be treated properly. If you do not want to start taking medication, try to solve your problem with the help of greens.

Sufferers of this condition can alleviate their condition with the help of only green and orange fruits. The best antidepressant among green greens is spinach - other vegetables in this color have a similar effect, such as broccoli and cabbage. If you prefer to alleviate your condition with fruit, you can safely bet on kiwi.

Green greens contain so many vitamins and generally useful substances that will help the body fully recover from the accumulated stress.

Orange fruits and vegetables can also relieve depression. Nutritionists explain that eating fruit will certainly have a positive effect on your condition. Orange and green greens contain a large amount of vitamin C.

Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes

It, in turn, will relieve high blood pressure, which often rises under stress. Eat more carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots - they have large enough amounts of magnesium, and are also a natural muscle relaxant.

Add nuts to your diet because they also help with depression and stress. Almonds contain vitamins B and E, which will strengthen the immune system and help you get rid of your condition.

Green fruits
Green fruits

Other suitable foods for depression and stress that nutritionists recommend are fish and all types of whole grains. You can also increase the consumption of rice, blueberries, tomatoes.

Consumption of tomatoes can reduce the risk of depression by 50 percent, according to a study. The main reason for this is lycopene, which is contained in red vegetables.

Of course, tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants, which also have a good effect on the body. The study states that eating tomatoes daily will reduce the risk of any mental illness and anxiety by more than 50 percent.
