Without Fatty Acids, The Body Ages Quickly

Without Fatty Acids, The Body Ages Quickly
Without Fatty Acids, The Body Ages Quickly

There are only two essential fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic, all others are replaceable. Without the two essential fatty acids, the skin wrinkles, nails break, hair begins to fall out and fill with dandruff.

In addition, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, atherosclerosis begin to develop, the blood supply is disrupted and a person ages very quickly.

Fatty acid molecules are made up of carbon atoms to which oxygen and hydrogen atoms are attached. If the hydrogen atoms are located along the chain of carbon atoms, they saturate them and then the fatty acid is called saturated.

Products containing saturated fatty acids remain solid or unchanged at room temperature. These are pork, lamb, mutton, poultry, milk and dairy products, some vegetable fats such as palm and coconut oil, as well as margarine and other hydrogenated fats.

All these products also contain unsaturated fats, but in very small quantities, so their consumption in case of overdose has a negative impact on health.

Polyunsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature. They are found mainly in oil - soybeans, flaxseed, sunflower, corn, walnut, as well as pumpkin seeds, walnuts, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, fish, seafood, tofu, soybeans, sprouted wheat and dark green leafy vegetables.

Shrimp salad
Shrimp salad

Fatty acids reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, but if stored improperly, they spoil quickly and can be harmful to health.

It is best to take fatty acids from the products that contain them - oily sea fish, various types of olives, seeds and nuts.

Unsaturated fatty acids supply our cells with energy and are a building material for them, they maintain good health of the heart and blood vessels, help the formation of necessary hormones, improve the nervous system and brain, prevent various diseases and strengthen immunity.

Unsaturated fatty acids are especially important for the heart and blood vessels - they increase the level of good cholesterol in the body and clear it of harmful. Cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, and unsaturated fatty acids dissolve them.

This improves the work of the heart muscle, brain, muscles, joints and organs. It also increases the elasticity of blood vessels and improves the composition of the blood.
