Omega 9 Fatty Acids - What Are They?

Omega 9 Fatty Acids - What Are They?
Omega 9 Fatty Acids - What Are They?

Fats are needed by the body because they represent an energy reserve, are part of cell membranes and cover the internal organs with a protective layer.

Fatty acids have a special role - they are a raw material for the synthesis of substances that reduce blood pressure, increase temperature, increase the sensitivity of nerve fibers and have many other functions. Fatty acids are divided into three classes: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Omega 9 fatty acids are the most common fatty acids in nature. They are also known as oleic acid and are indispensable for the good health of the human body.

Omega 9 fatty acids play an important role in reducing the level of bad cholesterol. Mediterranean cuisine is considered the most useful due to the widespread use of products that contain oleic acid. This is primarily olive oil, which contains high levels of omega 9 fatty acids.


Omega 9 fatty acids have high chemical stability, which protects the body from cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.

Omega 9 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and protect against a number of difficult to treat diseases. Omega 9 fatty acids are found in cold pressed olive oil, sesame seeds and sesame oil, avocados, almonds, peanuts and macadamia nuts.

In addition, these products contain 9 fatty acids in pork and chicken. Eat fat-free pork and chicken two or three times a week and you will provide your body with enough omega 9 fatty acids.

Omega 9 fatty acids prevent obesity and if you eat products that contain these substances, you will find it difficult to overeat, as they are quite filling.
