Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that help prevent a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, depression, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega 3 together with omega 6 fatty acids are extremely important for a number of biochemical processes in the body.

Unlike the saturated fats contained in butter and lard, omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and remain liquid even when chilled or frozen.

The three most important nutrients Omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid, ecosapentanoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. These fatty acids are classified as "essential" because the body is able to produce them and play a major role in various physiological functions.

There is a balance in the body when omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are in a 1: 1 ratio. These fats are called essential because our body cannot synthesize them from other non-essential substances. It is known that the human body synthesizes omega-3 faster if this synthesis proceeds in parallel with the synthesis of omega-6 fatty acids.

Functions of omega-3 fatty acids

- Supporting the strength of cell membranes. In order to perform its functions optimally, the cell membrane must retain its integrity and smoothness. Cells without a healthy membrane lose their ability to retain water and vital nutrients. They also lose their ability to communicate with other cells, which is one of the physiological reactions that leads to the growth of cancerous tumors.

Because cell membranes are made up of fat, their integrity and strength are largely determined by the type of fat we consume. Because omega 3 fats are liquid at room temperature, they lead to the maintenance of cell membranes with a high degree of liquefaction.

- Prostaglandin production - omega-3 fats play an important role in the production of powerful hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. They help regulate many important physiological functions, including blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammatory and allergic reactions, kidney and gastrointestinal function, and the production of other hormones.

- Anti-inflammatory processes - omega-3 fats provide anti-inflammatory effect on the joints and improve blood flow.

Benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

High dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids, especially from fish, can lead to lower blood pressure and thinning of the blood. There are claims that omega 3 fatty acids can increase the levels of growth hormone, which can increase muscle growth, which in turn causes acids to be taken by active athletes.

It's considered that omega-3 fatty acids dull the pain in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory effects, play a preventive role in cancer, and there are hypotheses that they prevent breast, colon and prostate cancer. Some experts believe that omega-3 fatty acids lower bad cholesterol.

Omega-3 fatty acids may play an important role in the prevention and / or treatment of the following diseases: Alzheimer's disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, migraine, multiple sclerosis, obesity, osteoporosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Oily Fish
Oily Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids improve sleep quality and help you fall asleep easier. As we all know, without enough sleep, many organs and systems cannot function properly, so omega-3 is an excellent choice for people with this problem.

Regular intake of omega-3 helps better memory and concentration. According to a number of studies, taking supplements for a period of three months can help significantly improve and even sharpen memory. The ingredients in omega-3 help nerve cells to better conduct impulses to each other and so our thinking is much clearer and more concentrated.

Omega-3s are thought to support weight loss processes. Of course, weight loss cannot happen without exercise and proper nutrition, but adding omega-3 to your daily routine can greatly help this process. Omega-3 is known to reduce appetite, reduce body fat and is an excellent choice as a supplement to a training regimen.

Omega-3s help beautify because they have an excellent effect on the skin. Fish oil is known to have the ability to regenerate skin cells from the inside, thanks to its ability to repair damaged cell membranes. It is often recommended for people suffering from acne and various skin irritations.

Omega-3s have a beneficial effect on a number of organs and systems in the human body, strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to various infections. That is why it is good to take them not only in the form of a supplement, but also to get them from natural sources.

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids

Salmon, flaxseed and walnuts are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Very good sources of these healthy fats are: scallops, cauliflower, cabbage, cloves and mustard seeds. Good sources are: flounder, shrimp, cod, tuna, soy, tofu, kale and Brussels sprouts, sage, acai, seaweed, flaxseed oil, purslane (Portulaca oleracea), spinach and rapeseed oil.

As dietary supplements, omega-3 fatty acids are available in capsule form or as a bottled liquid. Flaxseed oil, a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid, as well as cod liver oil, a rich source of the other two types of omega-3 fatty acids, are among the most popular omega-3 supplements.

Supplements with omega-3 fatty acids

The most famous omega-3 supplement is fish oil. It is a perfect supplement for those people who do not tolerate the taste of fish and therefore do not consume it. Omega-3 can also be obtained from cod liver as well as seaweed.

The liquid form of omega-3 is also an option, but the truth is that most people choose capsules to avoid the smell. It is recommended to follow the recommended daily dose to avoid possible side effects. However, it is important to note that some people require dose adjustment due to individual characteristics.

Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids

Symptoms of omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, dry skin, itchy skin, brittle hair and nails, constipation, frequent colds, depression, poor concentration, lack of physical endurance and joint pain. Eczema, dandruff, excessive sweating, severe PMS, and water retention may occur.

Polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fats, are extremely susceptible to damage caused by heat, light and oxygen. When exposed to these elements for too long, fatty acids oxidize or become rancid. Oxidized fatty acids produce free radicals that are thought to play a role in the development of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Vitamin E is a major fat-soluble antioxidant that protects omega-3 fats from oxidation.

Overdose of omega-3 fatty acids

Exceeding the permitted quantities omega-3 fatty acids may cause an imbalance of omega-6 fatty acids. Consumption of more than normal amounts of omega-3 causes increased bleeding in cases of injury or even temporary inability to clot. It can lead to suppression of the immune system, which makes a person more susceptible to infections. The affected person may have a haemorrhagic stroke.

Omega-3 fatty acids should be taken with caution by diabetics because they reduce glycemic control, as well as by people with heart failure or chronic angina.
