What Can We Cook With Fennel?

What Can We Cook With Fennel?
What Can We Cook With Fennel?

The fennel is better known as wild dill and has been known to man since ancient times. The ancestral home is southern Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. It was used as a spice and medicine by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

It spread in Europe during the Middle Ages, and was believed to prolong life, increase strength and chase away evil spirits. From fennel Tea was made to help with coughs, lung diseases, whooping cough and asthma. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on headaches and problems associated with indigestion.

It has a pleasant anise-like aroma and a sweet taste. Culinary uses include seeds, leaves and stems, as well as tubers. Fennel can be used to make salads, sauces, mayonnaise, fish and meat fillings.

It can be put in a tarator, in a beet salad, in some pastries, in the broth when cooking fish, crabs or potatoes. Black bread sandwiches become wonderful with fennel. Successfully combined with dill, garlic, onion and parsley.

cucumber and fennel salad
cucumber and fennel salad

The leaves, stems and seeds of fennel are used as a spice for canned and pickled cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes and other vegetables. Its seeds are used to extract essential oil, which is used in the confectionery, liqueur and perfume industries.

Here are some delicious, healthy and low-calorie dishes that we can prepare with the participation of fennel:

Cucumber and fennel salad

Necessary products: 2 large cucumbers, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 medium head fennel, 100 grams of sour cream, the juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, a bunch of dill.

Recipes with fennel
Recipes with fennel

Method of preparation: Wash the cucumbers and cut them in half lengthwise. Using a spoon, clean the seeds and then cut into slices. Transfer the sliced cucumbers to a strainer and sprinkle with sugar and salt. After 10 minutes, place them in a salad bowl. Add the thinly sliced fennel. In a separate bowl, mix the cream, lemon juice, vinegar and coarsely chopped dill. Pour the resulting sauce over the cucumbers and fennel. Mix well and serve.

Fennel salad with vinaigrette

Required products: 4 heads fennel, 2 lemons, 2 tablespoons mustard, 6 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon water, salt and fresh basil leaves.

Method of preparation Cut the four heads of fennel into very thin strips - the thinner the better. Make a dressing of lemon, mustard, olive oil, sugar, water, salt and basil. Mix the fennel with the dressing and mix well. If the sauce is too sour, add a little water.
