Ideas For A Delicious Breakfast In 30 Minutes

Ideas For A Delicious Breakfast In 30 Minutes
Ideas For A Delicious Breakfast In 30 Minutes

We have selected a few recipes that you can prepare quickly and that become really tasty. The first is for cheeses, to which you can add various spices if your family prefers them. Here's what you need:

Cheese with butter

Necessary products: bucket of yogurt, 2 tsp. baking soda, cheese about 300 g, 3 tsp. flour, salt, savory, butter


Method of preparation: Mix the yogurt and soda and mix well with the grated cheese. Gradually add the flour, then season with a little salt and salt if desired. Put the fat in a suitable pan and with the help of a spoon pour the balls one by one into the pan, and on each ball you can put a small piece of butter. Bake in a preheated oven.

Our next suggestion to make muffins - the good thing here is that you can make your cupcakes depending on what you have at home. If you prefer salty, add only cheese, you can add some sausage.

Salty muffins
Salty muffins

To do this, beat one egg, a glass of kefir 250 ml, 2 tbsp. butter, gradually add flour - 300 g along with 1 tsp baking powder. Finely chop the hard cheese as well as the olives and add them to the mixture, then pour into muffin tins and bake until golden brown.

Breakfast with apples


Necessary products: 3-4 eggs, 1 tsp. yogurt, flour, 4 apples, cinnamon

Method of preparation: Beat the eggs first and gradually add flour to make a firm dough. Then dilute with yogurt. Add grated apples and cinnamon to taste to the mixture. Then heat the fat and fry - with a spoon scoop the mixture and put in the fat, fry until golden.

The next recipe is for pancakes - put 200 g of flour and form a hole in the middle in which you need to put 1 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then add milk - about 50 ml, and a beaten egg. Once the liquid is absorbed by the flour, add the rest of the milk - 170 ml. Finally, add a little grated Parmesan cheese. Fry in hot oil and serve with melted cheese or jam.
