How To Freeze Corn For Cooking

How To Freeze Corn For Cooking
How To Freeze Corn For Cooking

Corn, which is frozen, does not lose its aroma or its excellent taste. It is easily frozen and can be used as needed.

You need corn on the cob, a large pot of water, a wide bowl of cold water and ice, freezer packs. Corn cobs are cleaned of leaves and threads.

Place the cobs in a large saucepan and bring to the boil, but not more than five minutes. Otherwise you run the risk of the nipples cracking. The water should completely cover the cobs.

While the corn is boiling, prepare a large large bowl of cold water and ice. Pour the hot water out of the pot and place the corn cobs in the ice bowl.

It is important to stop the cooking process of corn so that ugly folds do not form on the corn kernels, which someone can confuse with old grains.

The next step - peeling the grains, is much easier after blanching and cooling the corn cobs. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.


Prepare envelopes for the freezer and a large spoon or special spatula. Fill a freezer bag and remember how many spoons or spatulas it holds.

Do not overfill the package. Place the full package on the table and press it very carefully to distribute the corn evenly and let out the excess air.

This will freeze the corn kernels faster and the bags will take up less space in the freezer. Close the package and put it to freeze in the freezer.

Distribute the remaining corn in the packages and arrange in a row in the freezer. When the packages are frozen, stack them on top of each other. If you do not have enough time, you can freeze corn without blanching.

To do this, freeze the cobs, then peel them from the beans. Divide the beans into packets and freeze. You can freeze whole blanched cobs in the freezer, but they take up a lot of space.

Frozen corn is stored for one year in the freezer. Once you decide to use it for cooking, all you have to do is take it out and, without thawing it, put it in boiling water until ready.
