They Seized 43 Kilograms Of Fish During NAFA Inspections

They Seized 43 Kilograms Of Fish During NAFA Inspections
They Seized 43 Kilograms Of Fish During NAFA Inspections

During inspections by the Executive Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture (NAFA), 43 kilograms of fish were seized, which was found to be unfit for consumption. In the cases 36 acts for administrative violation have been drawn up.

The Agency has carried out 350 inspections of fish in the country in the last week. In addition to fish, another 2,850 meters of nets and fishing tackle such as reels, fishing rods and winches were confiscated.

During NAFA inspections, 1,600 kilograms of Black Sea mussels were seized, which were found to be from illegal fishing. The offender was sanctioned and his fishing tackle confiscated.

The employees of RDGP have drawn up three more acts for illegal catching of mussels near the Burgas district of Kraimorie.

Last week, NAFA found and seized 182 kilograms of fish, 105 kilograms of which were donated to SOS Children's Villages in the town of Tryavna, and the rest of the fish was returned to the water.

Fish of unknown origin is one of the biggest trade violations in the trade networks in our country and that is why it is important to look carefully at fish products before buying them.

The standing fish is also recognizable by running your fingers over its skin. If they leave traces, the fish is not fresh. The eyes of fresh fish are transparent and clear, not cloudy.

They seized 43 kilograms of fish during NAFA inspections
They seized 43 kilograms of fish during NAFA inspections

It is better to buy the fish whole, not the fillets, because if it is cut, it will be harder to judge whether it is fresh.

Fish traders must have a document of origin of the goods, a veterinary certificate and documents authorizing the trade in fish, according to the BFSA.

Edible fish must be intact. This means that there should be no injuries on it. The scales must be smooth, shiny and well attached to the skin.

The mucus on the fish should be completely transparent and not cloudy. If it releases an unpleasant fat other than the characteristic smell of fish, do not buy fish from this dealer.
