Only 22 Kilograms Of Fish Were Seized By The BFSA On St. Nicholas Day

Only 22 Kilograms Of Fish Were Seized By The BFSA On St. Nicholas Day
Only 22 Kilograms Of Fish Were Seized By The BFSA On St. Nicholas Day

Nearly 22 kilograms chilled fish was aimed at destruction after the St. Nicholas inspections of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency. In the days before the holiday, the Agency carried out 1,067 inspections.

Various sites for the sale and distribution of fish and fish products on the eve of the Christian holiday were inspected.

Sites for production and trade in fish and fish products, warehouses for wholesale trade, public catering establishments, sites for retail trade, markets and exchanges on the territory of the whole country were inspected.

After the inspections, 9 acts for established administrative violation and 3 prescriptions were drawn up. Violators who sold fish in unregulated sites according to Bulgarian legislation have also been identified.


Among the most common violations in the sale of fish around St. Nicholas Day is its improper storage. Many traders did not comply with the temperature conditions, for which they were sanctioned.

Some of the sellers transported the fish from one place to another in violation of the Veterinary Activity Act. Part of the fish was also expired, the Food Agency announced.

During the inspections of some sites, a lack of appropriate equipment was found, as well as incorrect reporting of the quantity sold under the self-monitoring system.
