How To Make A Delicious Soup

How To Make A Delicious Soup
How To Make A Delicious Soup

When cooking soup, put the bones in cold water, and after the water boils, add the meat. In this way, the meat will retain its valuable nutrients.

Many people advise to remove the foam from the broth. But it contains the most valuable substances, and when the meat is cooked over low heat, the foam gradually disappears.

If you accidentally oversalt the soup, throw a lump of sugar in it. It will absorb the excess salt. Another option is to put a whole peeled raw potato and remove it after a minute.

You can also put a gauze bag with rice in the salted soup and after it boils and stands for thirty minutes, take it out. The salt will be in the rice.

When making milk soups with vegetables, cereals or pasta, first boil them in water and only after they are ready, put them in the milk.

How to make a delicious soup
How to make a delicious soup

If you want the cooked chicken to retain its pleasant white color after removing it from the boiling water, rub it with lemon juice or aqueous solution of lemon juice.

To find out that the meat is cooked, pierce it with a fork. It will enter the meat very easily if it is ready. Cooked meat is very easy to separate from the bones.

If you do not like spices and roots for soup, put them in a gauze bag and let them boil for twenty minutes in the soup to saturate it with its aroma. Then remove the bag.

Use fresh green spices to flavor your soup and give it a pleasant aroma and appearance. Sprinkle it with them just before serving.
