The Secrets Of Delicious Tripe Soup

The Secrets Of Delicious Tripe Soup
The Secrets Of Delicious Tripe Soup

Belly soup is a traditional Bulgarian dish. In fact, more precisely, a traditional Bulgarian soup. It is prepared from pork or beef tripe. One of the secrets is that the belly must be very well cooked before we taste it. You can eat this delicious soup in other countries. The usual spices for flavoring tripe soup are garlic, hot peppers, vinegar, red pepper (hot) and salt.

Stomach soup is an unsurpassed remedy for hangovers. After an evening in which you have overdosed on alcohol, you will feel much better after eating a bowl of tripe soup. You can eat this traditional Bulgarian soup in almost any restaurant, diner or in the notorious tripe.

Before you start cooking the belly, you need to clean and wash it well. The belly is tastier when you clean it under running water with the tip of a knife. Another way to clean is to immerse it in a solution of slaked lime. You can also buy a cleaned belly. It is good to leave it soaked in water for 1 hour after it has been cleaned.

The secrets of delicious tripe soup
The secrets of delicious tripe soup

When cooking tripe, do not add salt at the beginning, so as not to interfere with cooking. Make sure that the belly does not run out of water while boiling. Salt is added at the end of cooking, 10 minutes before removing from the heat.

When you first add the water to start boiling the belly, it must be cold. Boil the belly over high heat. The duration depends on the abdomen, but is at least 2-3 hours.

One of the secrets of delicious tripe soup is to boil the tripe in fresh milk. You can also add water to the milk, but it is most delicious if you cook only in fresh milk.

Another very important thing is the construction. If you toast the flour you use, the taste becomes unique. You can add onion and butter while frying the flour. Finally, add the milk and mix well to get a smooth paste and not to form lumps. The build-up is added to the belly.

The secrets of delicious tripe soup
The secrets of delicious tripe soup

The cooked belly soup is prepared with yoghurt, egg and red pepper. Add the broth in which the belly has been boiled and mix well. Then the mixture is added to the belly and boil on the stove.

Red pepper, black pepper and garlic are mandatory spices for the delicious tripe soup. Red pepper, which is used to flavor tripe soup, is usually hot. We pass the garlic through a garlic press and we can put it in vinegar. If you want, you can add hot pepper for a more spicy belly.
