The Perfect English Breakfast - What Do We Need To Know?

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Video: The Perfect English Breakfast - What Do We Need To Know?

Video: The Perfect English Breakfast - What Do We Need To Know?
The Perfect English Breakfast - What Do We Need To Know?
The Perfect English Breakfast - What Do We Need To Know?

If you decide to visit the UK, it will be a real "sacrilege" on your part if you do not try the famous English breakfast. Because the idea of a bed & breakfast, which today we perceive as a completely standard service, was invented by the British in the first half of the last century.

Today it is necessary to realize that English breakfast is the most delicious and filling breakfast in the world, due to the fact that it invariably contains eggs, bacon and toast.

The idea here is to show you what else you can add to the standard English breakfast, which anyway can not do without eggs (poached or fried), bacon and slices. But to say Full English breakfast, here's what you can add to it:

1. Bob

It may seem strange to eat beans for breakfast, but in most parts of the UK there is no way English breakfast to be served without his presence. Probably the secret of such an idea lies in the distant Victorian times, when it was considered (a similar opinion prevails today on the Island) that breakfast should be as rich and filling as possible.

Canned beans are used for this purpose, usually with tomato sauce, but if you have enough time and do not want to have breakfast at exactly 8 o'clock, you can also cook the beans yourself. Let's not forget, however, that cooking beans, even if pre-soaked, takes a long time! It is also advisable to fry it later.

The perfect English breakfast - what do we need to know?
The perfect English breakfast - what do we need to know?

2. Mushrooms and tomatoes

If you think that the combination of eggs, beans and mushrooms is not suitable, then the British will quickly overthrow you. In addition, the mushrooms are not served raw, but fried. This also applies to tomatoes. In the end, to be really full and satisfying English breakfast, everything (except the slices, which are usually baked) must be fried. The British do not count calories while eating breakfast, sipping their tea and glancing at the morning press.

3. Dessert

What dessert, after such a nutritious breakfast, would you ask? Well, don't ask us, but the English, who, along with everything listed so far, would be happy to eat English muffins, stewed figs, black pudding and all this served with all kinds of jams and marmalades…
